A recipe for making christmas pudding – (4). This is a plainer pudding, which will agree with those who cannot take rich things. 1/2 lb. each of raisins, sultanas, currants, sugar, butter, and Brazil nuts. 1 lb. each of wholemeal breadcrumbs, fine wheatmeal, and grated carrots; 4 beaten-up eggs, 1/2 oz. of spice, and some milk. Wash and pick the currants and sultanas, wash and stone the raisins, and chop fine the Brazil nuts. Rub the butter into the wholemeal flour, mix all the ingredients together, and add as much milk as is required to moisten the mixture. Fill buttered pudding basins with it, cover with buttered paper, and tie over pudding cloths. Boil the puddings for 8 hours.