A recipe for making raisin pudding – Soak one-half cup of raisins in boiling water for one hour. Drain and then add two ounces of candied citron, and sufficient stale bread to make one cup of crumbs. Put all through the food chopper. Place in a bowl and add One cup of brown sugar, One cup of flour, One tablespoon of baking powder, Juice of one lemon, Grated rind of one-half lemon, Yolks of two eggs, One cup of milk, Three tablespoons of shortening. Beat to thoroughly mix and then cut and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Pour into well-greased and floured one-quart mould. Place the mould deep in a pan containing sufficient boiling water to cover the mold two-thirds of its depth. Place in the oven and bake for fifty minutes in a moderate oven. Unmould and serve with Saboyon sauce.

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